
If you suffer from diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, or water accumulations in the body (edema), treatment with horseradish tea in slightly large amounts over a certain period can give positive results. The herbal tea is an ideal remedy for flushing the excretory organs in pelvic inflammatory disease and when there are bacteria in the urine. Many people have experienced that cystitis can be improved by treatment with horseradish. The diuretic effect of the plant, together with a high content of silicic acid which has a strengthening effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, is what has an effect in this context.


Effect on skin, hair and nails

Products that contain water-soluble silicates from horseradish are sold as dietary supplements in tablet form. These support the build up of connective tissue, hair and nails, and although they can not give bald people back the splendor of their hair, they can make their hair strong and shiny. The herb also helps remove excess fats from the skin and hair. The ingredients in horseradish accelerate the healing of connective tissue and increase its strength and elasticity. It is also good to resort to for brittle and brittle nails, and when white spots appear on the nails.

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Equisetum arvense

Horsetail is a perennial vascular spore plant that reproduces with spores or with shoots underground. The plant has a branched soil stem with small tubers with support nutrients, and hollow stems with joints and furrows. It prefers to grow in humid places, and can be a troublesome weed in gardens and fields, especially on clay soil, as the soil stem is so deep that you can not get it up by normal spawning.


Nourishing, astringent, mildly diuretic, strengthens the urinary tract, increases elasticity and resistance in connective tissue and skin, strengthens nails and hair, helps to remove white spots from the nails, regulates fats in the skin, strengthens bone growth, accelerates the coagulation process and thus has a hemostatic and wound healing.


The summer stem of the herb contains silicic acid (silicon) which is partially water-soluble, varying in amount between 3% and 16%, and the herb is thus one of our most important silicic acid drugs. Uptake of silicon into the body can lead to increased production of white blood cells, which provides a stronger immune system and improves the body’s resistance to infections.



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